Books for Children

​Currently Available

Sally is in a sad mood, and no matter what she does, she can’t seem to shake it!  Sally tries everything to change her mood, but it takes a new friend to help her see things differently.
Sally the Sad Shape is the first in the Moodrangles series, books dedicated to honoring the complex emotional lives of very small people with humor and empathy.

​Upcoming in 2017

​​The Tiny Giant is the novel length adventure of Dan and Zeeble, an unlikely pair brought together to explore a hidden world of magic outside Dan’s backdoor.
The Tiny Giant sprung from a conversation with my toddler son about what kind of giants might be acceptable to find on a beanstalk—small ones! The tiny giants are 18” tall, and have a decidedly different temperament than the ones we've all heard about. Dan, a 12-year-old boy, finds that a tiny giant has popped out from behind a bean plant to complicate his life ways he never imagined. This suburban fantasy adventure has a mix of familiar and new creatures and exciting situations to hold a younger reader’s interest, all set in the overflowingly green Pacific Northwest. It explores concepts like justice and fairness, loyalty, and making up for the mistakes of the past.